Radiation Physics Services

Request Services

Radiation Shielding Assessment (RSA)

PCI regularly performs shielding calculations for any type of X-ray installation.  You may complete the form to request a shielding assessment here on our website.  We’ll provide you with a shielding assessment based on calculations made in accordance with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP).

Below are two types of forms to use.  One if for dental units only and the other is for non-dental units. Please select the link that pertains to your request.

Non-Dental Radiation shielding assessments may be requested by clicking here:   Non-Dental Radiation Shielding Assessment

Dental Radiation shielding assessments may be requested by clicking here:   Dental Radiation Shielding Request


Physicist Credentials

The most recent updated CV and accompanying list of CE credits as well as ACR information for our mammography physicists can be found here.

CV and Supporting Credentials

Terry Zipper, Ryan Zipper, Ron Ouellette , Ed Cheever, David Scaduto, Caitlin Finley

Continuing Experience

Terry Zipper Mammo List
Ryan Zipper Mammo List
David Scaduto Mammo List
Ed Cheever Mammo List

ACR Personnel Medical Physicist

TZipper, RZipper, ECheever, DScaduto

Contact Us

Company Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Physics Consultants, Inc
PO Box 295
Gray, ME  04039

Phone:  207-773-1313


David Scaduto, PhD/ Radiation Physicist
Ed Cheever, MS, Vice President/ Radiation Physicist
Laura Coroi, MS/ Radiation Physicist
Ryan Zipper, MS/ President/ Radiation Physicist
Terry Zipper, MS, DABR/ Chairman/ Senior Physicist


Julie Sheets, IT and Data Administrator
Sara Perry, Operations Director


PCi provides a variety of radiation physics consulting services to hospitals, clinics, dentists, chiropractors, podiatrists, industrial sites, veterinarians, and universities.

Qualified experts in the fields of diagnostic imaging, radiation safety, shielding design, and regulatory compliance, we use our extensive experience in the medical and health physics fields to provide the highest standard of service to our clients.

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